
Getting Backlinks is easy

Some quick news about a change to the way you acquire links.The pixies over in Switzerland have been working day and night for the last few months to create the ultimate link building tool.Thats 16 hours a day, 7 days a week for over 3 months to create this tool for you.This time we havent just created a small but powerful tool to get you those much needed links.We created an entire FRAMEWORK!Yes!A framework that will grow over time to be the ultimate SEO control panel.We consider it very basic at the moment because we know whats coming next, but you Nail Polish will consider it highly advanced and i do think the words you will use will be along the lines of AWESOME!Want to avoid the `supposed` penalty for building too many links too fast?No problem at all.Just set it to build 100 links a day to your site.Need on topic links to each page of your site?Just use the built in car led lights bot to crawl your site for all the page titles which will be your anchor text.Want on topic links?No problem.That`s sorted as well.Need it to run on autopilot?No Problem.Thats one of the best features.Need to promote thousand of sites?MehEasy!But you may say

